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356,00 €*

Noch 1 lieferbar.

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

  • Produktvorteile
  • LoRaWAN AI Workplace Sensor
  • Recognition rate is up to 95% based on advanced AI identification and analysis technology and wide detection range
  • Support up to 12 mapped regions for detection
  • No image data is collected, free from privacy concerns
  • Equipped with Wi-Fi for web GUI configuration
Produktnummer: 141089
Zolltarifnummer: 85414090
Herkunftsland: China
Gewicht: 0.3 kg
Lagerbestand: 1
Produktinformationen "VS121-868M"

LoRaWAN AI Workplace Sensor

Milesight VS121, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, is an AI workplace sensor designed to monitor occupancy & utilization in modern workspace, which can reach up to 95% recognition rate. With the ability to sense from up to more than 78 m2, few sensors are needed to cover the same area, decreasing the deploy costs for users. Only counter values are transmitted over LoRaWAN® network, which can prevent the privacy concerns. Based on standard LoRaWAN® protocol, VS121 can work with Milesight LoRaWAN® gateway and mainstream LoRaWAN® network servers. With easy installation, VS121 sensor has great use in shops, malls, offices, exhibitions, etc. Milesight VS121 sensors are equipped with Wi-Fi for easy configuration without any configuration tools.
Protokoll / Kommunikation: LoRaWAN
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