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55,00 €*

Noch 1 lieferbar.

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

  • Produktvorteile
  • LoRaWAN Magnetic Contact Switch
  • Suitable for various doors/windows of different materials
  • LED for network status, open/close status, tamper and low battery indication
  • Support mounting tamper detection
Produktnummer: 141087
Zolltarifnummer: 85414090
Herkunftsland: China
Gewicht: 0.1 kg
Lagerbestand: 1
Produktinformationen "WS301"

LoRaWAN Magnetic Contact Switch

Milesight WS301 simply enables you to know when someone enters the office/building through door/window or something has been moved. The minimal magnet is placed inside the portable part, while the sensor is inside the fixed part that can be attached on door/window or other objects. With a style of minimalism and compact size, the wire-free WS301 can be easily mounted on the doors, panes, or cabinets, greatly providing real applications for smart homes, smart office or smart factories. With LoRa technology, one of the most low power consumption technologies, Milesight WS301 can work up to almost 2 years without bothering to replace battery. Compliant with Milesight LoRaWAN® gateway and Milesight IoT Cloud solution, WS301 will surely monitor the real-time open/close status and receive alarms via mobile App.
Protokoll / Kommunikation: LoRaWAN

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