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PCIe-S142 CR

112,00 €*

Nicht auf Lager, i.d.R. versandfertig in 10 Tagen, Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage

  • Produktvorteile
  • PCI Express
  • 2x RS-422/485
Produktnummer: 141159
Zolltarifnummer: 85176200
Herkunftsland: Taiwan
Gewicht: 0.55 kg
Produktinformationen "PCIe-S142 CR"

PCI Board/Express/Serial/2 RS-422/485

The PCIe-S142 series card provides 2 RS-422/RS-485 serial ports. Uart Bridge provides automatic data direction control for RS-485 signals. Each port can be configured as either RS-485 for half-duplex or RS-422 for full-duplex communication. It supports for speed up to 921600 bps and supports full-duplex communication. 
The data lines of each serial ports on i version PCIe-S cards come with photocouplers design. The on-board photo couplers use a short optical transmission path to transfer a signal between elements of a circuit, and keep the data lines electrically isolated. It can help cutting down on ground loops, common mode voltages and block voltage spikes, provide electrical isolation, and offer significant protection from serious over-voltage conditions in one circuit affecting the other.
In harsh industrial environments, the on-board ESD protection component (for i version) diverts the potentially damaging charge away from sensitive circuit to protects the computer and equipment from the sudden and momentary electric current.

Drivers provided for a broad selection of operating systems, including 32/64-bit Windows XP/2003/2008/7/8/10 and Linux Kernel 2.4X/2.6X ~ 4.15.
RS-422: 2
RS-485: 2
Bus Interface: PCI Express

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