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IoT sensors, industrial sensors and data loggers for reliable measurements

ICPDAS-EUROPE offers a wide range of particularly robust industrial sensors for use in harsh environments. Our environmental sensors enable the measurement of numerous environmental parameters, including temperature, pressure, light intensity, air quality, noise levels and more. An integrated data logger function monitors and records the measured values for analysis and evaluation of the information.

IoT sensors with integrated data logger function for indoor and outdoor use: 

  • DL-100 IoT sensors with display and IP66 protection class 
  • DL-110 and DL-120 IoT light sensors with IP65 protection class 
  • DL-300 IoT sensors with display or IP65 protection class 
  • DL-1000 IoT particle sensors with IP43 protection class 
  • CL-200 Data logger with Ethernet or WLAN Data logger for indoor use in industrial environments 
  • iSN-100 Liquid sensors for the detection of water in indoor areas

Selection Guide:
DL-10 Series
 -> Temperature, Humidity
DL-300 Series
 -> CO/CO2, NH3/H2S, HCHO/TVOC, Temperature, Humidity
DL-100 Series
 -> Illuminance, Temperature, HumidityDL-1000 Series
 -> PM2.5, PM1/PM10, CO/CO2, NH3/H2S, HCHO/TVOC, Temperature, Humidity
DL-200 Series
 -> PM2.5, CO/CO2, NH3/H2S, Temperature, Humidity  iSN Series
 -> Liquid Leakage, Illuminance, Temperature, Humidity

ICPDAS offers industrial IoT sensors for the detection of: 

  • Temperature and humidity 
  • Smoke 
  • Fine dust (PM1, PM10, PM2.5) 
  • Air quality and pollution (CO, CO2, NH3, H2S, HCHO, TVOC) 
  • Illuminance monitoring 
  • Liquid leak detection 
  • Motion sensors (PIR) 
  • Vibration sensors 

IoT sensors support RS-485 and Ethernet interfaces as well as ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP and MQTT protocols, so these devices can be easily integrated into existing HMI or management systems. In addition, we have various wireless sensors in our range that enable data transmission via LoRaWAN without a cable connection, as well as sensors with a display. 

Specific requirements for industrial IoT sensors 

Industrial sensors are crucial components in intelligent manufacturing and automation processes. Their specific properties can vary depending on the area of application. Some basic properties of sensors in industry at a glance: 

  1. Precision: sensors must perform extremely precise measurements to provide accurate data for the production process. Accuracy is highly dependent on the specific application

  2. Robustness and reliability: these sensors must be used in often demanding environments, so they must be robust and reliable. They should be resistant to vibration, temperature fluctuations, humidity and other environmental influences. 

  3. Speed: In some applications, especially in production, a fast response time is crucial. Sensor response time should therefore be reasonable. 

  4. Communication: Modern sensors are often equipped with communication interfaces to facilitate integration into automation systems. Examples of this are ModbusRTU, ModbusTCP, MQTT or LoRaWAN. 

  5. Long-term availability: Since industrial sensors are usually used in long-term projects, the availability of spare parts and support over longer periods is important.

Fields of application for industrial sensors - solutions from automation to logistics

Industrial sensors are used in a wide range of industrial applications in manufacturing, buildings or IIoT to enable precise data acquisition and control of processes. Here are some of the key application areas where sensors play a crucial role: 

Automation and Manufacturing: In industrial manufacturing, sensors are used to control and monitor machines and production processes. This includes measuring pressure, temperature, humidity, speed, position and other parameters to ensure product quality and optimise the production process. 

Quality control: Sensors are used in quality control systems to detect and sort out defective products. They can monitor the dimensions, weight, colour and other properties of products and ensure that they meet standards. 

Process monitoring and control: Sensors are used in chemical plants, power stations and other complex processes to monitor key parameters and intervene when necessary to maintain or optimise the process. 

Safety: Sensors play a crucial role in the safety of industrial plants. Smoke and gas detectors, motion sensors and other safety sensors help to detect hazards and react in time. 

Environmental monitoring: In environmental engineering, sensors are used to monitor air and water pollution, temperature changes, humidity and other environmental effects. This is important to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimise environmental impacts. 

Transport and logistics: Sensors are used in vehicles, ships, aircraft and storage facilities to track the position, speed and condition of goods and vehicles. This enables an efficient supply chain and improved safety. 

Healthcare: In medical technology, sensors are used in medical devices to measure biological parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and oxygen saturation. They also play a role in imaging and diagnostics. 

Power generation and distribution: Sensors are crucial for monitoring power generation equipment such as solar panels, wind turbines and electricity grids to increase efficiency and prevent outages. 

Aerospace: In aerospace, sensors are used in aircraft and spacecraft to monitor position, speed, pressure and temperature. They contribute to navigation, safety and performance optimisation. 

Agriculture: In agriculture, sensors are used in tractors, harvesters and irrigation systems to measure soil moisture, temperature and other parameters to increase agricultural production. 

The uses of industrial sensors are extremely diverse, ranging from production automation to environmental monitoring and healthcare. They help to optimise processes, reduce costs, increase safety and improve quality.

4 important types of sensors in the industrial environment 

The following types of sensors meet specific requirements in various industries and help to monitor, control and optimise processes, resulting in more efficient and high-quality productions. 

Wireless sensors for data transmission without cables 

A wireless sensor, also called a wireless sensor, is a sensor that transmits data without a physical connection or cables. These sensors use wireless communication technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee or LoRaWAN to send data to receiving devices or a central monitoring system. They are particularly useful in environments where wired connections are impractical or costly. Examples of applications include monitoring environmental conditions, tracking goods in logistics and building automation. 

Industrial temperature sensors 

Temperature sensor for industrial applications specialises in taking temperature measurements in demanding environments. These sensors are often more robust and accurate than standard temperature sensors. They can be used in metal processing, chemical plants, food processing and pharmaceuticals to monitor and control temperature in various processes. 

Sensors in Industry 4.0 collect smart data for the future 

Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, where digital technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), artificial intelligence and Big Data are being integrated into industrial processes. Sensors play a key role in this transformation. Sensors in the context of Industry 4.0 are often intelligent and networked. They not only capture data, but also transmit it in real time to a central control unit or cloud platform. This enables better process control, predictive maintenance and the optimisation of production processes. 

Moisture sensor in industrial use 

A humidity sensor for industrial applications measures the moisture content in ambient air or materials. These sensors are important in industries such as food production, pharmaceuticals, wood processing and textiles, where humidity can have a decisive influence on product quality. Moisture sensors are designed to work accurately and reliably even under difficult conditions. 

What types of sensors are there? 

Ambient sensor: Ambient sensors are a broad category of sensors designed to measure various parameters in the immediate environment. These sensors can detect a variety of information including temperature, humidity, pressure, light intensity, air quality, noise levels and more. They are used in various industries and applications to monitor environmental conditions and take appropriate action. 

Temperature and humidity sensors: These sensors measure temperature and humidity in the environment and are important in many applications, including climate control and building automation.

Air quality sensors: They detect parameters such as CO2 content, VOC (volatile organic compounds) and particles in the air to monitor indoor or industrial air quality. 

Light sensor: Light sensors measure the intensity of ambient light. They are useful in automotive applications (automatically switching headlights on and off), photography (measuring exposure) and building automation (adjusting lighting to the time of day). 

Pressure sensors: These sensors measure atmospheric pressure and are often used in weather stations, altitude measurements and aircraft. 

Noise sensor: Noise sensors measure sound levels and noise in the environment. They are useful in industry for monitoring noise levels and in security applications for detecting alarms. 

Flow sensor: Flow sensors measure the velocity or volume flow of liquids or gases. They are used in applications such as fluid control and consumable monitoring. 

Motion sensor: Motion sensors detect movement in the environment and are used in security systems, lighting controls and household devices such as automatic doors or motion detectors. 

Gas sensor: Gas sensors detect and quantify specific gases in the environment, which is especially crucial in gas detection and monitoring. 

Ambient sensors are critical for measuring and monitoring environmental conditions in a wide range of applications, from building automation and environmental protection to improving energy efficiency and safety.